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Government Affairs Roundtable Series

Forming Non-Traditional Partnerships during COVID-19

Wednesday, September 16, 2020
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM (CDT)

Event Details

Register today for this FREE webinar hosted by
NAA's Government Affairs!

Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, emergency legislation is moving fast, crippling the rental housing industry. Across the country, state and local apartment associations are the industry’s first line of defense. They are steadfast in their efforts to protect housing providers’ rights, prevent adverse policy and drive forward legislation that supports the industry during these difficult times.

What’s the secret to their success? Join us for the next installment of the GART Virtual Learning Series to find out as we delve into the power of relationships and stakeholder engagement. Housing stability during the ongoing public health crisis is in everyone’s best interest. Learn how government affairs professionals use non-traditional partnerships to help get the rental housing industry’s policy goals over the finish line.

In this webinar, you’ll:

  • Hear from colleagues who have successfully driven housing policy decisions through non-traditional collaboration
  • Develop framework for engaging individuals, organizations and governmental partners when addressing housing concerns